Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Hour 2012

Planet Nibiru 2012 Causes of Resurrection?

The outside of the Tata Surya still have a lot of planet-planet minor who has not been found. Since the search for Planet X began in the early 20th century, the possibility of the existence of the planet hipotetis akan mengorbit sun behind the Kuiper belt have been burning theories of Resurrection, and speculation that Planet X is actually a brother of our Sun that has long been "lost."

But why worry ahead akan Planet X / Theory of Resurrection this? Planet X is not just another object hipotetis unknown?

Theories is also encouraged with the prediction of Resurrection akan tribe Maya world in the year 2012 (Mayan Prophecy) and the mystical story of the Sumerian Nibiru Planet, and the heat now as the "prediction of Resurrection" 21 December 2012. However, evidence that is used for astronomical theories is really melenceng.

On June 18 yesterday, Japanese researchers announced news that their search for a theoretical large mass outside the Tata Surya we produce results. From their calculations, it is possible that there is a planet slightly larger than an object Plutoid or dwarf planet, but certainly smaller than Earth, the Sun mengorbit with a distance of more than 100 SA. But before we terhanyut on this discovery, this is not the planet Nibiru, and the evidence is not of this world will end in 2012. Discovery of this new discovery and is a very interesting development in the search-planet minor planet behind the Kuiper belt.

In theoretical simulation, two Japanese researchers have concluded that the outermost part of the Tata Surya our planet that may not be found. Patryk Lykawa and Tadashi Mukai of Kobe University have published their paper in the Astrophysical Journal that describes minor planet believe that they interact with the Kuiper belt is the mysterious.

Kuiper belt region occupies a very knowledgeable in our Surya Tata, about 30-50 SA's Sun, and contains a large number of objects and metallic rock. Object that is known dwarf planet (Plutoid) Eris. Has long been known that the Kuiper belt have strange characteristics, which may indicate the existence of an object (planet) mengorbit large Kuiper belt behind the sun. One of the karakterikstik is called the "Kuiper Cliff" Kuiper cliff, or that there is a distance on the SA 50. This is the end of the Kuiper belt is suddenly, and very few of Kuiper belt objects have been observed behind this point. This chasm can not be linked to the orbital resonance with planet-planet masif as Neptunus, and does not appear to be an error occurred (error) observation. Many experts believe that the astronomical end suddenly in the Kuiper belt population can be caused by a planet that has not been found, which may be as much as Earth. This object is believed to have been Lykawka and Mukai take into account their existence.

Japanese researchers predicted this a large object, a 30-70% mass massanya Earth, Sun mengorbit on the distance of 100-200 SA. This object may also help explain why some objects and the Kuiper belt Trans-Neptunian object (TNO) has some of the odd orbital characteristics, such as Sedna.

Found since Pluto in 1930, the astronom other objects have been looking for a more masif, which can explain the interference observed in the orbital orbit Uranus and Neptunus. This is known as a "Searching Planet X," which meant literally as a "search the planet that have not been identified." In the 1980s this orbital interference is treated as an error (error) observation. Therefore, the scientific search akan adult Planet X is the search for Kuiper belt objects or the large minor planet search. Although Planet X may not be the mass of Earth, the researchers will still remain interested to find objects Kuiper others, which may seukuran Plutoid, may also be slightly larger, but not too large.

"The interesting thing for me is the suggestion of the kinds of very interesting objects that may yet await discovery in the outer solar system. We are still scratching the edges of that region of the solar system, and I expect many surprises await us with the future deeper surveys. "- Mark Sykes, Director of the Planetary Science Institute (PSI) in Arizona.

So this comes from Nibiru? In 1976 a controversial book titled "The Twelfth Planet" or "twelfth planet" written by Zecharian Sitchin. Sitchin has been to translate the writings of the ancient Sumerian wedge-shaped (writing the most ancient known). The note was 6000 this year revealed that the alien race known as the Anunnaki from the planet called Nibiru, landed on Earth. Concise stories, Anunnaki Primate modifying genes in the Earth to create homo Sapien as their slaves.

When the Anunnaki left Earth, they let us rule this Earth until the time they return later. All this may appear a bit fantastic, and perhaps also a little too detailed when considering all of this is a literal translation from the writings of old age of 6000 years. Sitchin this work has been ignored by the scientific community as method of interpretation are considered imaginative. However, many also heard that Sitchin, and believes that Nibiru (orbitnya with a very eksentrik in girth Sun) will be back, probably in the year 2012 for the cause of all terror, destruction and terror in this Earth. From "discovery" that doubts this is the astronomical hypothesis of Resurrection 2012 Planet X is based. Then, how Planet X is considered as the realization of Nibiru?

Then there are the "brown dwarf discovery outside Tata Surya us" from the IRAS in 1984 and the "NASA announcement akan bermassa 4-8 mass planet Earth is in the Earth" in the year 1933. Supporting the hypothesis of Resurrection is dependent on the discovery of this as the astronomical evidence that Nibiru is Planet X which has long sought the astronom during this century. Not only that, by manipulating the facts about scientific research, they "prove" that Nibiru are toward us (the Earth), and in the year 2012, this object will enter masif part in Tata Surya us, cause interference gravity.

In pendefinisian the most pure, Planet X is a planet that has not been known, which may theoretically mengorbit Sun far behind the Kuiper belt. If the discovery of a few days ago that eventually leads to the observation on a planet or Plutoid, this will be a remarkable discovery that helps us understand the evolution and characteristics of the outside of the mysterious solar system us.

This is a snippet of information I get on google, and this news is being discussed my friend you already heard this news? how you?
According to my Sure it is only God who can, but this is only a prediction, even from a mama Laurent . How do you gossip about this?