Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

When explosion Life After Meteor Rain

How life on Earth form? If you had previously discussed the seed of life on Earth ie amino acids, taken by CR Chondrites from meteorit space. In fact, there is new news that the explosion of life on Earth occurred after the rain falling more than 400 million years ago. At that time, although the Earth with more than 100 meteorit size of 1 km in a very short time, the life not only can be saved but it is growing.

Rangkaian meteorit collision occurred during the Ordovician period, between 490 - 440 million years ago. Indeed, life is not life as we know now, but at that time already living creatures on land and the organisms have also evolved to be able to start living in a niche in the sea. It seems that the irregularity in the asteroid belt 470 million years lalulah that send hundreds of rock out of the spacecraft orbit normal to the Earth.
Destruction of large-scale meteorit by large-scale destruction by meteorit
After several million years, more than 100 large meteorit that have been fragmentary and the Earth, sun and pack in the dust. Plants that hungry akan Sun akahirnya chain of life and death that are dependent on plants, also dropped out. But it is surprising, life is growing rapidly after a period. Grow and evolve into a new and more interesting.

The researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Lund University, together collecting chemical samples from meteorit, fossil, and also learn some crater in Sweden. Lockne crater is a crater which was also examined, located in northern Sweden with a diameter of 75 km. Research conducted shows that there is evidence that life evolved on more layers than a new layer containing the remaining meteorit attack.
The period after the destruction of a large-scale. The period after the destruction of a large-scale.
With the explosion of life, biological evolution can be great assistance in the relatively short time. Sample cases, volcanic eruptions or large forest fires, the initial damage will take effect on a very large life. But from abunya appear more rich fauna of the previous.

Earlier this year, paleontologis states that life can be re-appear quickly after the incident with the destruction of a large-scale, but needed a long time to be able to restore the diversity of life. Therefore, after most of the life tersapu by asteroid, kecoa, roach and berkerat animals such as rats that took over. But it takes several years before the ecosystem can return wealth to the butterfly, giraffe, or the other.

Source: Universe Today, Nature geoscience

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